Jan. 11, Sat. Kids Card Klass with LeeAnn 10:30 am – noon
Come and make these fun cards! $10. Age 5 - 7 please bring your adult. Call ahead to 815 291-5163, Can leave message. MUST PREPAY. May pick up Kit after Dec. 14 if not able to attend. Thanks. Bring your glue/adhesive to hold your cards together.
Dec. 10, Tues. Adult Beginner card class with LeeAnn 10:30 am or 2:30 pm
You will be making these 4 cards! You can choose morning 10:30 am - 12:30 pm OR afternoon 2:30 - 4:30 pm Class. RSVP 815 291-5163. Please leave message. Bring your adhesive & scissors, and card-ming kit if you have. All items are available for purchase ay Pretzel...
Everything 50% in store, except Dept #8, 12 x 12 paper, Cougar paper & envelopes
Come & stock up on many Fun Dies here. DIES of all brands on Sale at Pretzel City Paper!
Welcome Galena Paper Crafters!
Sept. 26, Thurs. 2024. 5 Paper Crafters met here to create Quilled Snowflake cards. Welcome Doreen C., Anne A., Marilyn F., Lori H. and Sue A. Then on 10-24-24 we welcomed Barbara K., Donna S., Gay B. And Lori H. returned to Quill again! Yeah. They did a great job....
Visitors Apr. 30, 2024 to PCP!
Welcome to the "Happy Scrappers" from Morris, Diamond, Braidwood, IL area! Pictured: Sue, Vanessa, Linda, Tony & Jean! After shopping, they took a fun car-ride. They are staying at "Memory Lane Crafting Retreat", Orangeville, IL for a few nights. Crafting...
Hand Crafted greeting cards for sale at PCP!
Handmade greeting cards are selling like hotcakes at Pretzel City Paper! Most sell for $3 or close. There's something for everyone on these card racks. We were sold out of Valentines, but have replenished the supply. Come & see!
We are excited to have the Stamping Platform by Sizzix Stencil holder at PCP! This holds/aligns your Stencils, especially handy with the multi-layer newer Stencils, but is great with all stencils! Stamp & re-stamp your rubber-stamped images to get a clean stamped...
4 other gals finished the Harvest the Scraps Shop Hop at Pretzel City Paper!
Dawn Watts and Margie finished their Shop Hop adventure at Pretzel City Paper Friday, Oct. 13. Also Penny Gunderson & Krista Loefher visited Pretzel City Paper as their 8th & last stop on their Shop Hop journey on Sunday, Oct. 15th. And many other gals Shop...
These 4 gals finished their 8 store Shop Hop trip at Pretzel City Paper Oct. 13, Fri.
Congratulation to Beth Duntemann, Michelle Sprague, Sheila McInerney and Jennifer Meyer on complete the Harvest the Scraps IA - IL Shop Hop ob Fri., Oct. 13. Your names have been entered into the Grand Prize drawing & of course the PCP drawing for 6 prizes from...
Oct. 8, Sun. Mother & Daughter Shop Hops to Pretzel City Paper
Carmen & Patty of Rockford came to Pretzel City Paper for the Harvest of Scraps Shop Hop last Sunday! Many others have visited us as well, but life is busy, so might've missed photos and names. We appreciate everyone who has looked us up this month. Thank...